Firm connection between expertise and science for EPS development

Decision on Forming Expert and Scientific Council



The cooperation between the expertise and science in the time of energy transition, and especially in the time of the ongoing largest energy crisis, is necessary for the entire energy sector, and especially for the Electric Power Industry of Serbia. In the previous period, a series of preparations were conducted, and today Mr. Miroslav Tomašević, acting director of PE EPS adopted the decision on the formation and manner of operation of PE EPS Expert Council and expert bodies of the council, as well as the decision to establish PE EPS Scientific Council. The operation of the two bodies represents the basis for firm connection between expertise and science, as well as for the implementation of innovative solutions, which is very significant for the strategic development of EPS.

The Expert Council is a permanent advisory body of the PE EPS director that reviews the justification and acceptability of studies, projects, investment and technical documentation, etc. Permanent members of the Expert Council are PE EPS executive directors, as well as assistants and advisors to the PE EPS director. Associated members of the Expert Council will be, if necessary, other employees of EPS, as well as those who are not employed in EPS, and with their expertise knowledge, experience, professional authority and recognized results, they can contribute to the achievement of business goals in the best possible way. The Expert Council has narrower organizational units in charge of certain areas as well, namely the business council, legal counsel, economic and financial affairs council, technical and technological council, as well as the council for strategic and market development.

EPS Scientific Council will review and suggest implementation of modern scientific achievements for intensive and dynamic development of EPS in order to meet the conditions for increased share of renewable energy sources in EPS power portfolio and realization of the strategy for power sector development. This council will consist of the employees who have acquired or will acquire scientific titles in scientific institutions, as well as experts not working in EPS, and who may contribute with their knowledge and scientific results in the institutions of national interest, scientific institutes and higher educational institutions in creating and implementing the programs and plans for development and achievement of the strategic goals of EPS. The operation of the Scientific Council will be organized in smaller organizational sections – internal scientific council, external scientific council and scientific board for innovative solutions.
