EPS - active support to all prosumers

More than 3,100 contracts with prosumers

In almost two years, Elektroprivreda Srbije concluded more than 3,100 contracts with prosumers, and during 2023 the installed production capacity increased three times compared to 2022 and amounts to 46 MW today, said Ivana Đorđević, Director of Sector for  EPS JSC Prosumers’ Management, at the Energy Summit in Trebinje.

 - That citizens have recognized the benefits of producing electricity for their own needs is evidenced by the fact that we have 2,255 prosumer households. Today, they are active participants in the electricity market, they produce energy for their own needs and thereby reduce their bills for purchased electricity, while at the same time they use the realized surpluses to reduce bills in periods of lower production and higher consumption, stated Đorđević at the panel Prosumers, Energy communities - management of solar power plants.

 When it comes to legal entities, EPS has a contract with 850 production facilities of legal entities. In addition to companies, numerous public institutions and schools, as well as a residential community, have the status of prosumer - said Đorđević. - Prosumers have delivered 16 GWh of green energy to the distribution network so far.

According to Ivana Đorđević, the new benefit is a five percent discount for regular payment of obligations for all prosumers.
