There will be no change in the price for households, EPS is getting ready for winter season

Dušan Živković, EPS JSC General Manager, guest in RTS morning news

Electricity price for households will remain at the same level until the end of the year and it will be among the lowest prices in Europe – said Dušan Živković, General Manager of the Joint stock company Elektroprivreda Srbije, in RTS morning news. He highlighted that market opening and new situation at the electricity market imposed new rules and therefore EPS adopted new methodologies for commercial customers. - The goal of these methodologies is further improvement in relations with the industry, more opportunities and greater flexibility related to contracting the electricity prices. This will enable industry to better plan and optimize its production compared to the market prices and to use the energy in a more efficient manner. The news is that the alignments will be quarterly and that the exchange prices will dominantly affect the contracts with commercial customers. Great fluctuations that occur will not harm neither EPS nor the customers. – said Živković. EPS CEO highlighted that this summer was one of the hottest summers and that the highest summer consumption ever was recorded which was met from EPS production and with energy provided on the market. - We provide electricity under the plan and overhauls of power plants are ongoing, while one of the key projects is rehabilitation of the pump storage hydro power plant of Bajina Bašta, the gem of Serbia power industry. After seven months of works, this PSHPP will produce electricity for the next 40 years. The capacity of Bajina Bašta pump storage hydro power plant is 600 MW, which is an important share in the portfolio and it is expected to be on the grid at the end of November or at the beginning of December. We will be ready for winter season – pointed out Živković. He also said that this summer was dry and that hydrology was lower than average, but that HPPs operated well. Coal production stabilized, landfills are on a high level of 1,6 million tons, while reservoirs imply 450 GWh. - This summer, during the blackout in the region, EPS showed off his energy stability and good planning. We work and plan to have full landfills and reservoirs for the winter, although it is difficult to anticipate the water inflow. The first phase of trial run of the new Kostolac B3 unit accomplished, activities for warrantee tests are under development and, in the next two weeks, we should prepare for the next phase and acceptance of this unit – said Živković.
