Joint Stock Company Elektroprivreda
Srbije and the companies B2 Nova Sun and B2 Sunspot signed
electricity purchase and balance responsibility contracts during trial and
permanent operation for (15) fifteen years for two solar power plants B2
Nova Sun, with a capacity of 9.9 megawatts in Nova Crnja, and B2 Sunspot
with a capacity of 7 megawatts in Kikinda. These are the first solar power plants
with which EPS signs these contracts based on auctions conducted by the
Ministry of Mining and Energy..
-The purchase and
balancing price is determined on market principles, and this energy will
provide additional security for the operation of our power system and supply
for citizens and businesses, and it will be sufficient to supply about 10,000
households, said David Žarković, Executive Director for Energy Portfolio
Management at EPS JSC.- Elektroprivreda Srbije is a reliable partner for
all companies that have decided to increase the share of energy from renewable
sources in Serbia’s energy mix through market premium auctions. With investors
who participated in the auctions and other independent producers in Serbia, we
already have more than one gigawatt of installed capacity from renewable
sources, which constitutes more
than 10% (ten percent) of Serbia's production capacity.. With slightly
more than 30% (thirty percent) of EPS
production from the hydro sector, we are already rapidly approaching 50% (50
percent) production from RES.
Miloš Kostić, director
of the companies B2 Nova Sun and B2 Sunspot, emphasized that both
power plants have obtained building permits and signed turnkey construction
contracts, with the company MT- KOMEX and all necessary equipment has
been purchased for both power plants, and the construction works are in
- Both power plants will be ready for
testing in May – said Kostić. - The total annual production of these two solar
power plants will be 25,000 megawatt-hours. In this way, we continue our
investments, as last year we put into operation the solar power plant Delasol
in Lapovo, with a capacity of about 10 megawatts. This is a natural follow-up
that our company, as a domestic investor, increases the share of renewable
sources in Serbian energy sector.